Saturday, August 29, 2015

Babies Developmental Stages-The First Year

       What To Expect The 1 First Year

Gross Motor Skills-This is demonstrated by your babies ability to walk, crawl, sit up, clapping, etc. This usually happens at around age 9 to 18 months. But every child is different so don't worry if your baby takes a little detour here and there, some babies go straight to walking and never crawl.

Fine Motor Skills-This refers more to a physical movement. Movement of their arms, hands, legs, feet. Babies start to grasp try to hold objects with their hands. Older babies stack stack rings, blocks, throw balls, pull toys.    

Language Skills-Speech and Comprehension. Baby start gooing, imitating sounds, mama, dada. It is very important that you speak to your baby with clear words as they imitate the sounds and try to copy words.

Thinking Skills-Baby starts thinking and putting into action their thinking through their hands. For example, they think of grabbing a toy and reach out with their hands to grab it.

Social interaction-Social interaction is an important component of language learning according to Kuhl, who is the co-director of CMBL and UW professor of Speech and hearing sciences.
Play dates with other babies is very important, although babies won't play with each other they can play along side others, which is very important to develop social skills.
Babies model their social behavior after family members or the people closest to them.

                 These are a few of the many developmental toys available.

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